Network security technology is a tool that protects a company’s infrastructure from compromise by disallowing the entry and spread of cyber threats. As such, it maintains the network’s usability and integrity.

Think of network security technology as your advanced home security system. It protects your home from thieves by alerting you to their presence as soon as they break in. Some may even trigger a lockdown, trapping thieves until the police come.

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Network security technology protects all corporate infrastructure components, including the applications that run on them.

What Are the Types of Network Security Technology?

Network security technology comes in different kinds, namely:

  • Firewalls: A firewall controls the coming and going of network traffic based on predetermined security rules. It keeps out unwanted traffic (e.g., coming from malicious websites), malware, and other attack vectors.
  • Network segmentation rules: These rules define network component boundaries. Each segment contains assets with common functions, risks, or roles. An example is a perimeter gateway that separates the network from the Internet, which protects the network from external threats and ensures that sensitive data remains inside. Some companies set internal boundaries to provide even better security and access control.
  • Remote access virtual private networks (VPNs): A remote access VPN secures an organization’s employees from cyber threats while working remotely. That ensures the integrity of sensitive information via multifactor authentication (MFA), endpoint compliance scanning, and data encryption.
  • Email security solutions: Email security systems include processes, products, and services designed to protect a company’s email accounts and content safe from external threats. These are used on top of the built-in features that come with email services.
  • Data loss prevention (DLP) solutions: DLP solutions combine methodologies, technologies, and best practices to avoid exposing sensitive data to users outside an organization. This information includes personally identifiable information (PII) and compliance-related data.
  • Intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDSs/IPSs): IDSs and IPSs detect and prevent brute-force and denial-of-service (DoS) attacks and vulnerability exploitation.
  • Antivirus or antimalware solutions: These solutions are installed on every network-connected endpoint to detect and prevent the execution of malware on a computer, tablet, and other corporate devices.
  • Load balancers: These devices distribute network or application traffic across several servers. They increase the capacity and reliability of applications.


Other network security technologies include zero-trust network access (ZTNA) models, sandboxing, and hyperscale and cloud network security solutions.

What Are the Benefits of Network Security Technology?

Network security technology provides the following benefits:

  • Protects client data and information from loss and theft
  • Keeps shared data secure
  • Ensures reliable access and network performance
  • Protects companies from cyber threats
  • Reduces overhead expenses by safeguarding against costly losses from a data breach
  • Provides legitimate access to systems, applications, and data for uninterrupted business operations and service or product delivery

What Are the Types of Network Security Technology Controls?

The three network security technology controls are:

  • Physical controls: These controls prevent threat actors from gaining physical access to a network. An example would be your data center’s or server room’s keycard system.
  • Data and access controls: These controls comprise processes and policies that define how each employee can and should act when working with sensitive data, applications, and systems. They include password requirements, mobile device usage, and incident response.
  • Technical controls: These controls serve as safeguards or countermeasures (e.g., alert notifications) when users or systems interact with critical network parts.

What Threats Can Network Security Technology Protect Against?

Network security technology can protect against these threats:

  • Viruses, worms, Trojans, spyware, adware, ransomware, and other malware
  • Vulnerability exploits
  • Unauthorized user access
  • Data theft or breaches
  • Financial loss and reputational damage due to non-compliance

Using network security technology has become a must for organizations today, given the proliferation of threats. Companies can no longer only rely on installing antivirus or antimalware solutions on each computer for security. Instead, they need to employ multilayer security to protect user data from compromise, especially given that 30,000 websites get hacked daily